I collaborate with individuals and organizations to design and execute their artistic visions, connect them with resources, and secure funding that reflects their missions and makes the arts more accessible. Check out the variety of services I provide below and let me know how can I use my experience to support your idea.
Do you have treasured belongings from a loved that you’d like to see transformed into a work of art? Memorializing someone or paying tribute to special place or event can keep memories alive rather than having things stored in boxes to rarely be seen or appreciated again. Recent commissions include works for the Spooner family, operators of a Ben Franklin Five and Dime Store for over 50 years, pieces for the Surety Hotel in downtown Des Moines, and new works for the recently renovated State of Iowa Historical Museum. Contact me about your special project and let’s chat about possibilities.
Grant writing
Do you have a special project that you’d like to see funded? I work with nonprofits to identify needs, research opportunities, and write grants. I’ve helped them receive over $279,000 to meet their missions and make the arts more accessible in Iowa. Recently I partnered with Group Creative Services, BRAVO of Greater Des Moines, Polk County and the Great Outdoors Foundation and coordinated grant writing and letters of support to secure a $125,000 NEA Our Town Grant for Shoreline Signals. I’ve also worked with Drake University to support Threads Laid Bare, a contemporary textiles and fiber arts exhibition, that earned a $10,000 Iowa Arts Council Project Grant.
Do you have a need for an engaging speaker? Whether it’s an opportunity to share my artwork and story or if it’s sharing professional development sessions for creatives, I can present engaging and captivating talks. I served as a Facilitator for Artist INC, sponsored by the Mid America Arts Alliance and the Des Moines Arts Festival, to help mentor area creatives. I’ve also adapted talks for virtual formats for the University of Missouri Kansas City, the Iowa Museum Association, and the Business of Art Conference in Ames. Let me know what you need, and I can create a powerful message for you and your audience.
Set & Prop Design
Installation art easily translates into set and props design because sound. lighting, and objects illustrate stories and set the mood. I recently worked with Director Tom Woldt from TheatreMidwest to design the minimal set for Brilliant Traces, a play set in a remote area with two people coming undone and in search of connection and understanding. In addition I worked with HCT Media to source props for their upcoming feature film, Ghosts of the Ozarks. Do you have a store window, vacant building, play or home that you want to redesign? Contact me and let me help you create a space that reflects your vision.